St Martin's Parish Church | |
1 Magdalene Drive, Dudingston, EDINBURGH, EH15 3DE | | | |
Visit the website |
The Leith Lapidary Club | |
St. Margaret's House, 151 London Road, Meadowbank, EDINBURGH, EH7 6AE | | | |
Visit the website |
The Salisbury Centre | |
2 Salisbury Road, Newington, EDINBURGH, EH16 5AB | |
0131 667 5438 | | | |
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WHALE Arts Agency | |
30 Westburn Grove, Wester Hailes, EDINBURGH, EH14 2SA | |
0131 458 3267 | | | |
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EVOC | |
Gorgie Farm, 51 Gorgie Rd, EDINBURGH, EH11 2LA | |
0131 555 9100 | |
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Granton Goes Greener | |
55 Boswall Parkway, Granton, EDINBURGH, EH5 2LU | |
0796 594 1177 | | | |
Visit the website |
Edinburgh Guru Nanak Gurdwara | |
1 Sherif Brae, Leith, Edinburgh, EH6 6TJ | |
0131 553 7207 | | | |
Visit the website |
Leith Community Education Centre | |
12A Newkirkgate, Leith, EDINBURGH, EH6 6AD | |
0131 554 4750 | | | |
Visit the website |
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Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF