The National Disabled People's Organisation of adults with a Learning Disability in Scotland.
People First (Scotland) works for the human rights of people who have the labels of Learning Disability or Intellectual Impairment. We have had many other labels over the years which we have successfully campaigned to get rid of.
People First (Scotland) began in 1989 when members at our first National conference decided that we should have our own organisation.
From the very beginning, we made our own decisions and decided our own policies.
People First (Scotland) is a disabled people’s organisation (DPO) and is controlled by its members who all have a Learning Disability. That means that no-one else has any say at all in what our organisation does.
For members of People First, controlling our own organisation is an experience which is in complete contrast to most or all other aspects of our lives.
We give people with learning disabilities a voice. We meet in local groups and discuss issues that are important to us. We give each other advice and support and campaign to improve the lives of people with learning disabilities.
Copyright © 2025 EVOC is a company limited by guarantee No. SC173582 and is registered Scottish charity No. SC009944.
Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF