The club was founded in central Edinburgh in 1986 with the aim of providing regular meetings for retired professional and business men, and whilst we display all the virtues implied by the Latin probus we are above all a very friendly group.
The club is non-political, non-religious and is not a charity fund raising organisations.
A Probus club is a local association of retired and semi-retired professional and business people, and others who have had some measure of responsibility in any field of worthy endeavour, who are of character and respected in their communities. Clubs meet regularly for fellowship and an extension of their interests.
Probus is not a “senior citizens” or “lonely hearts” club.
The name is an amalgam of the abbreviation of the words professional and business. Probus is also a Latin word meaning honest or virtuous, from which the English word “probity” is derived.
Each Probus club is autonomous. There is no central organisation and each club sets its own rules.
Probus magazine, published quarterly, is the only national publication enabling clubs to communicate, share experiences and ask for or impart advice.
Edinburgh Probus Club | |
23a Fettes Row, Stockbridge, EDINBURGH, EH3 6RH | | | |
Visit the website |
Copyright © 2025 EVOC is a company limited by guarantee No. SC173582 and is registered Scottish charity No. SC009944.
Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF