122nd Craigalmond Scout Group (Comely Bank) | |
10 Comley Bank Road, Stockbridge, EDINBURGH, EH4 1DW | |
cubs@comelybankscouts.org.uk | |
Visit the website |
42nd Pentland Scout Group (Currie) | |
99 Forthview Crescent, CURRIE, EH14 5QR | |
groupadmin@42ndpentlandscouts.or.uk | |
Visit the website |
85th Braid Scout Group (Blackford) | |
182 West Savile Terrace, Blackford, EDINBURGH, EH9 3HY | |
braid.districtenquires@gmail.com | |
Visit the website |
Juniper Green Village Hall | |
1A Juniper Park Road, Juniper Green, EDINBURGH, EH14 5DX | |
maggymc1909@yahoo.co.uk | |
Visit the website |
Currie Scout Hall | |
99 Forthview Crescent, CURRIE, EH14 5QR | |
0131 449 6420 / 07786 346 114 | |
info@curriedogtraining.co.uk | |
Visit the website |
SHRUB Coop - Wee Spoke Hub | |
Shrub Coop, 13 Guthrie Street, Grassmarket, EDINBURGH, EH1 1JG | |
0131 220 1884 | |
weespokehub@shrubcoop.org | |
Visit the website |
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