Tron Kirk Gilmerton and Moredun | |
Craigour Gardens, Craigour, EDINBURGH, EH17 7NX | |
07980 884 653 | | | |
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Granton Baptist Church | |
99 Crewe Road North, Granton, EDINBURGH, EH5 2NW | |
0131 552 0915 | | | |
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St David's Episcopal Church | |
Royston Mains Place, Pilton, EDINBURGH, EH5 1LH | | | |
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Royston Wardieburn Community Centre | |
11 Pilton Drive North, Pilton, EDINBURGH, EH5 1NF | |
0131 552 5700 | | | |
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St Catherine of Alexandria RC Church | |
21 Gracemount Drive, Gracemount, EDINBURGH, EH16 6QP | |
0131 563 8391 | | | |
Visit the website |
The Crannie Community Hub | |
9 Cranston Street, EDINBURGH, EH8 8BE | |
0131 557 2244 | | | |
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St Kentigern's Roman Catholic Church | |
26 Parkgrove Avenue, Clermiston, Edinburgh, EH4 7QR | |
0131 334 1693 | | | |
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WHALE Arts Agency | |
30 Westburn Grove, Wester Hailes, EDINBURGH, EH14 2SA | |
0131 458 3267 | | | |
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Gracemount Community Church | |
The Faith Mission Bible College, 548 Gilmerton Road, EDINBURGH, EH17 7JD | | | |
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North Edinburgh Arts | |
19 West Pilton Grove, Pilton, EDINBURGH, EH4 4BY | |
0131 315 2151 / 07493 876 130 | | | |
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