Carr Gomm | |
Space, Craigmillar Social Enterprise & Arts Centre, 11 Harewood Road, EDINBURGH, EH16 4NT | |
0300 666 3030 | | | |
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Central Church | |
Central Hall, 2 West Tollcross, EDINBURGH, EH3 9BP | |
07584 992 631 | | | |
Visit the website |
Edinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality Council (ELREC) | |
14 Forth Street, Broughton, EDINBURGH, EH1 3LH | |
0131 556 0441 | | | |
Visit the website |
Networking Key Services (NKS) | |
Darroch Annexe, 7 Gillespie Street, Merchiston, EDINBURGH, EH3 9NH | |
0131 221 1915 | 0131 659 7837 | | | |
Visit the website |
Norton Park | |
57 Albion Road, Leith, EDINBURGH, EH7 5QY | |
0131 475 2400 | | | |
Visit the website |
Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust (ELGT) | |
109/11 Swanston Road, Morningside, EDINBURGH, EH10 7DS | |
0131 445 4025 | | | |
Visit the website |
Norton Park | |
57 Albion Road, Leith, EDINBURGH, EH7 5QY | |
07759 233 851 | | | |
Visit the website |
Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH) - Redhall Walled Garden | |
97 Lanark Road, Craiglockhart, EDINBURGH, EH14 2LZ | |
0131 443 0946 | | | |
Visit the website |
Edinburgh College - Sighthill Campus | |
Bankhead Avenue, Sighthill, EDINBURGH, EH11 2DE | | | |
Visit the website |
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Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF