Edinburgh Women's Aid | |
4 Cheyne Street, Stockbridge, EDINBURGH, EH4 1JB | |
0131 315 8111 | |
cedar@edinburghwomensaid.co.uk | |
Visit the website |
Scots Music Group | |
10 Orwell Terrace, Dalry, Edinburgh, EH11 2DY | |
0131 555 7668 | |
admin@scotsmusic.org | |
Visit the website |
Quakers in Scotland | |
7 Victoria Terrace, City Centre, Edinburgh, EH1 2JL | |
0131 225 4825 | |
centraledinburgh@quaker.org.uk | |
Visit the website |
Southside Community Centre | |
117 Nicolson Street, Newington, EDINBURGH, EH8 9ER | |
0131 667 0484 | |
hello@southsidecommunitycentre.co.uk | |
Visit the website |
Men in Childcare | |
Norton Park, 57 Albion Road, Leith, EDINBURGH, EH7 5QY | |
0131 475 2333 | |
nicolameninchildcare@gmail.com | |
Visit the website |
The Salvation Army - Niddry Street Wellbeing Centre | |
25 Niddry Street, Old Town, EDINBURGH, EH1 1LG | |
0131 523 1060 | |
Visit the website |
Hibernian Community Foundation | |
Easter Road Stadium, 12 Albion Place, Leith, EDINBURGH, EH7 5QG | |
0131 656 7062 | |
lewis@hiberniancf.org | |
Visit the website |
Pentland Community Centre | |
Oxgangs Brae, Oxgangs, EDINBURGH, EH13 9LS | |
0131 445 1355 | |
kerry.cooper@virgin.net | |
Visit the website |
Edinburgh Young Musicians | |
0131-226-3392 | |
admin@e-y-m.org.uk | |
Visit the website |
Venture Trust | |
Argyle House, 3 Lady Lawson Street, Old Town, EDINBURGH, EH10 4EX | |
0131 228 7700 | |
changecycleinfo@venturetrust.org.uk | |
Visit the website |
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Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF