Holy Trinity Church | |
Hailesland Place, Wester Hailes, EDINBURGH, EH14 2SL | |
0131 442 3304 | |
holytrinitywsyouth@gmail.com | |
Visit the website |
CrossReach - Simpson House | |
52 Queen Street, City Centre, EDINBURGH, EH2 3NS | |
0131 220 2488 | |
sunflower@simpson-house.org | |
Visit the website |
Your Local Pantry | |
54 Clovenstone Park, Wester Hailes, EDINBURGH, EH14 3EY | |
07754 713 920 | |
catherine@westerhailesgrowing.org | |
Visit the website |
Muirhouse Millennium Centre | |
7 Muirhouse Medway, Muirhouse, EDINBURGH, EH4 4RW | |
0131 467 3578 | |
enquiremuirhouse@gmail.com | |
Visit the website |
The New Melville Bridge Club | |
1 Pinkhill, Corstorphine, EDINBURGH, EH12 7BA | |
0131 334 4467 | |
manager@melvillebridge.club | |
Visit the website |
Edinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality Council (ELREC) | |
14 Forth Street, Broughton, EDINBURGH, EH1 3LH | |
0131 556 0441 | |
admin@elrec.org.uk | |
Visit the website |
One Parent Families Scotland | |
2 York Place, City Centre, EDINBURGH, EH1 3EP | |
0131 556 3899 | |
info@opfs.org.uk | |
Visit the website |
Pasda (Parents of Autistic Spectrum Disorder Adults) | |
Unit 26, Norton Park, 57 Albion Road, Leith, EDINBURGH, EH7 5QY | |
0131 475 2416 | |
info@pasda.org.uk | |
Visit the website |
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