Oxgangs Neighbourhood Centre | |
71 Firhill Drive, Oxgangs, EDINBURGH, EH13 9EU | |
0131 466 0678 | |
oxgangsneighbourhoodcentre@gmail.com | |
Visit the website |
Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre | |
67B Groathill Road North, Drylaw, EDINBURGH, EH4 2SA | |
0131 315 4989 | |
info@drylawnc.org.uk | |
Visit the website |
Deaf Action | |
49 Albany Street, City Centre, EDINBURGH, EH1 3QY | |
0131 556 3128 | |
admin@deafaction.org | |
Visit the website |
Volunteer Edinburgh | |
222 Leith Walk, Leith, EDINBURGH, EH6 5EQ | |
0131 561 8300 | |
admin@volunteeredinburgh.org.uk | |
Visit the website |
CrossReach - Simpson House | |
52 Queen Street, City Centre, EDINBURGH, EH2 3NS | |
0131 225 6028 | |
simpsonhouse@crossreach.org.uk | |
Visit the website |
Corstorphine Community Centre | |
5 Kirk Loan, Corstorphine, EDINBURGH, EH12 7HD | |
07580 659 676 | |
admin@ccchub.online | |
Visit the website |
6VT Youth Café | |
11-15 Vennel, City Centre, EDINBURGH, EH1 2HU | |
0131 229 1797 | |
contact@6vt.info | |
Visit the website |
Pilton Youth and Children's Project (PYCP) | |
'The Greenhouse', 33 West Pilton Brae, EDINBURGH, EH4 4BH | |
0131 332 9815 | |
info@pycp.co.uk | |
Visit the website |
Blackhall Library | |
56 Hillhouse Road, Blackhall, EDINBURGH, EH4 5EG | |
0131 529 5595 | |
blackhall.library@edinburgh.gov.uk | |
Visit the website |
Wellspring Scotland | |
13 Smith's Place, Leith, EDINBURGH, EH6 8NT | |
0131 553 6660 | |
mail@wellspring-scotland.co.uk | |
Visit the website |
Granton Baptist Church | |
99 Crewe Road North, Granton, EDINBURGH, EH5 2NW | |
0131 552 0915 | |
admin@grantonbaptist.org | |
Visit the website |
Holy Trinity Church | |
Hailesland Place, Wester Hailes, EDINBURGH, EH14 2SL | |
jo@holytrinitywesterhailes.org.uk | |
Visit the website |
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Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF