The Spark - Edinburgh Centre | |
Dialogue & Space, 64 Albion Road, EDINBURGH, EH7 5QZ | |
0808 802 2088 | |
Visit the website |
Bright Light Relationship Counselling | |
18 York Place, EDINBURGH, EH1 3EP | |
0131 556 1527 | | | |
Visit the website |
Rock Trust | |
55 Albany Street, Broughton, EDINBURGH, EH1 3QY | |
0131 557 4059 | | | |
Visit the website |
Edinburgh Remakery | |
13A Newkirkgate, Leith, EDINBURGH, EH6 6AD | |
07708 477 136 | | | |
Visit the website |
The Men of Leith Men's Shed | |
Heart of Newhaven Community, 4-6 Main Street, Newhaven, EH6 4HY | |
0751 077 2359 | | | |
Visit the website |
Shrub Coop - SHRUB Space | |
17 Guthrie Street, EDINBURGH, EH1 1JG | |
0131 261 8216 | | | |
Visit the website |
Bike Station | |
250 Causewayside, Newington, EDINBURGH, EH9 1UU | | | |
Visit the website |
Community Law Advice Network (Clan Childlaw) | |
Norton Park, 57 Albion Road, Leith, EDINBURGH, EH7 5QY | |
0808 129 0522 | | | |
Visit the website |
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