Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre | |
67B Groathill Road North, Drylaw, EDINBURGH, EH4 2SA | |
0131 315 4989 | |
natalie@drylawnc.org.uk | |
Visit the website |
Inch House Community Centre | |
Inch House, 225 Gilmerton Road, Inch, EDINBURGH, EH16 5UF | |
0131 664 4710 | |
inchmgecom@gmail.com | |
Visit the website |
Cyrenians | |
198 Restalrig Road South, South Restalrig, EDINBURGH, EH7 6DZ | |
0131 554 0422 | |
amanda.law@theripple.org.uk | |
Visit the website |
Cyrenians - Good Food Programme | |
13/29 Nicolson Street, Newington, EDINBURGH, EH8 9FT | |
07964 825 877 | |
daveboyd@cyrenians.scot | |
Visit the website |
Cyrenians - Good Food Programme | |
280 Lanark Rd West, CURRIE, EH14 5RU | |
07964 825 877 | |
daveboyd@cyrenians.scot | |
Visit the website |
Carrickvale Community Centre | |
2 Saughton Mains Street, Stenhouse, EDINBURGH, EH11 3HH | |
07980 692 929 / 07875 692 533 | |
party@thezumbaboys.co.uk | |
Visit the website |
Granton Youth | |
c/o Royston Wardieburn Community Centre, 11 Pilton Drive North, EDINBURGH, EH5 1NF | |
0131 552 6741 | |
info@grantonyouth.com | |
Visit the website |
The Melting Pot | |
15 Calton Road, Holyrood, EDINBURGH, EH8 8DL | |
0131 243 2626 | |
enquiries@themeltingpotedinburgh.org.uk | |
Visit the website |
Stenhouse Baptist Church | |
Stenhouse Place East, Edinburgh, EH11 3DQ | |
07783 138 463 | |
hello@stenhousebaptist.co.uk | |
Visit the website |
Out & About | |
5 Moredunvale Place, Moredun, EDINBURGH, EH17 7LB | |
07824 641 133 | |
ruth@elgt.org.uk | |
Visit the website |
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Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF