The Ripple Project | |
198 Restalrig Road South, South Restalrig, EDINBURGH, EH7 6DZ | |
0131 554 0422 | | | |
Visit the website |
Muirhouse Millennium Centre | |
7 Muirhouse Medway, Muirhouse, EDINBURGH, EH4 4RW | |
0131 467 3578 | | | |
Visit the website |
Granton Youth | |
c/o Royston Wardieburn Community Centre, 11 Pilton Drive North, EDINBURGH, EH5 1NF | |
0131 552 6741 | | | |
Visit the website |
Polish Family Support Centre | |
19 Smith's Place, Leith, EDINBURGH, EH6 8NU | |
0131 281 0429 | | | |
Visit the website |
Pilton Equalities Project (PEP) | |
PEP Centre, 3 West Pilton Park, West pilton, EDINBURGH, EH4 4EL | |
0131 315 4466 | | | |
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St Margaret's Parish Church | |
27 Restalrig Road South, Restalrig, EDINBRURGH, EH7 6LF | |
0131 554 7400 | | | |
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Jesuit Church of the Sacred Heart | |
28 Lauriston Street, Old Town, EDINBURGH, EH3 9DJ | |
07935 855 175 | | | |
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Edinburgh South East Foodbank | |
Blythswood Care, 47 Southhouse Broadway, Burdiehouse, EDINBURGH, EH17 4AS | |
0131 664 9353 | | | |
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Love Gorgie Farm | |
51 Gorgie Road, Gorgie, EDINBURGH, EH11 2LA | |
0131 337 4202 | | | |
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Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF