TLC Counselling Service



15 Junction Place, Leith, EDINBURGH, EH6 5JA
0131 553 0100
North East
25 Feb 2023


Who is the service for?
Women, Parents, Post-Natal
What age range is it suitable for?
17 - 25, 26 - 29, 30 - 34, 35 - 39, 40 - 44, 45 - 49, 50 - 54


15 Junction Place, Leith, EDINBURGH, EH6 5JA
0131 553 0100




What is TLC?

TLC (Therapy, Linking and Counselling) is a service for Leith parents with young children under 5 years.

What Issues Can Counselling Help With?

People seek counselling for many reasons such as relationship problems, bereavement, depression, anxiety, phobias, illness or addictions. Others may be experiencing more generalised feelings and are simply aware that something is wrong. Counselling helps by talking about how these problems are affecting you now but sometimes it is necessary to discuss past experiences or wider relationships which may have contributed to these present difficulties.

What Exactly is Counselling?

The British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy (2011) describes counselling and psychotherapy as ‘umbrella terms that cover a range of talking therapies. They are delivered by trained practitioners who work with people over a short or long term to help them bring about effective change or enhance their wellbeing.’

This process of effective change is supported by the provision of a confidential setting in which you, the client, should feel safe to discuss issues or difficulties which concern you. It is often easier to do this with someone outside your circle of family and friends.

What Happens in a Counselling Session?

Trauma and Person-centred counsellors work by acknowledging your perspective of your difficulties and by creating a therapeutic relationship with you which has many benefits: it can support you, without judgement, to challenge beliefs and views which may be affecting you negatively; it helps you identify any relationship difficulties outside of counselling and helps increase your confidence through acknowledgement and acceptance of your experiences.

Participation in counselling is by your consent and is most beneficial when clients are willing to participate fully in an honest and open way, to increasing their self-awareness and ultimately enhancing their wellbeing.

Is There An Assessment?

At your first session you will also be asked for personal information such as name, contact no, doctor, medication (if any) and reasons for seeking counselling. You are free to opt out at any time and please be encouraged to ask questions at any point.

At Dr Bell’s we believe that for some people with active trauma symptoms (e.g. flashbacks, nightmares) counselling may not be the best form of therapy. At your first session you will be involved in an assessment to try and work out the best kind of therapy for you. You will be actively involved in this.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

There are no minimum or maximum numbers of sessions you can receive however, your counsellor will review your therapeutic requirements frequently with you and make agreements.

Who Is The TLC Service For?

The Parent Counselling Service is for parents and carers, with a child under 5 years, who live in Leith. We may offer a service to those living in immediate surrounding areas of Leith, where there is an identified need for counselling and the person cannot access an alternative service.

How Much Does it Cost?

Our counselling service is free but, as we’re a small, voluntary organisation who raises our own funds, we always welcome donations from those who can afford to do so.

How Do I Register?

- We prefer individuals to refer themselves. This can be done by emailing or coming to the centre and requesting a referral form.
- Agencies who wish to refer people should encourage the person to self-refer or they can come to Dr Bell’s, with the person, to fill in a referral form.

For more information about counselling see: and

Other Services Run By

Dr Bell's Family Centre

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