


18 Forth Street, EDINBURGH, EH1 3LH
07842 104 368
North East, North West, South East, South West
15 Jul 2024


Who is the service for?
Young People (16-25), Families, Parents, Primary School (5-12), Secondary School (13-15)
What age range is it suitable for?
4 - 12, 13 - 16, 17 - 25


18 Forth Street, EDINBURGH, EH1 3LH
07842 104 368




We are a partnership from Tailor Ed, Barnardo’s and Autism Initiatives, working together with oversight from our NHS CAMHS colleagues to provide services to support the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in Edinburgh who are neurodivergent. We’re part of a larger group of newly developed services across the city designed to support mental health in the community.

Who is it for

We have services available for children and young people aged from 5-24 who have a neurodevelopmental condition such as autism, ADHD and intellectual disability. Some specific services have their own criteria so please check the more detailed info available from each organisation. Services are also available to parents to access support on behalf of their child.

What we can help with

We’ve the skills and expertise to support a range of issues which can impact on the wellbeing of neurodivergent C&YP. This includes supporting the development of self-awareness and self-advocacy as well as tools and resources that help wellbeing. This covers emotional regulation skills, meeting and managing sensory needs, taking care of physical health and addressing social isolation.

Referral process...

Barnardo’s are operating a triage service, providing emotional support, practical strategies and signposting to help get C&YP to the right service for them. Young people and/or their parents can simply get in touch by email NDwell@barnardos.org.uk or come along to one of their community drop ins. Professionals are also welcome to enquire via the email address and submit referrals using our form.

ND: Well/ TailorED service support kids from 5-16 years old through our Wellbeing group and Understanding Autism workgroup.

ND:Well is currently accepting referrals for group work for children and young people. These groups will start in the new year.

Parent referrals for online information sessions are also welcome. The next series of online parent events will commence on Spring 2024

Referral form Group Service

Please be aware, that referrals are triaged to make sure the young person attending is appropriate for the group and referrals submitted do not guarantee a place in the group. We can talk about this with you further if you have any questions

Our Services...

Developing awareness, insight and identity

We provide a range of services to help young people and their parents develop their understanding of themselves and their diagnosis and what it means for them. Delivery can be 1:1 or group based and take place in person or online.

Barnardo’s: Cygnet Group for parents of autistic children; ADHD parent group

Tailor Ed: For autistic C&YP aged 5-16

Autism Initiatives: For autistic young people without an intellectual disability aged 16-24

In addition to these specific services, appointments to discuss other neurodivergent diagnoses including intellectual disability are available at Barnardo’s community drop in sessions.

Developing wellbeing

Appointments at Barnardo’s community drop ins will be available to discuss ways to support wellbeing. Tailor Ed and Autism Initiatives then provide further 1:1 and group based support to autistic C&YP. This focuses on building resources and resilience as well as supporting C&YP to access the things that matter to them and give them value and purpose. We will also help to develop social supports, seeking to build connectedness and inclusion.

For more details on the services each partner is offering download the information leaflets at https://tailoredfoundation.co.uk/ndwell or get in touch using the email addresses provided:

- NDwell@barnardos.org.uk
- NDwell@tailoredfoundation.co.uk
- NDwell@aiscotland.org.uk

Other Services Run By

Tailor Ed Foundation

Copyright © 2025 EVOC is a company limited by guarantee No. SC173582 and is registered Scottish charity No. SC009944.
Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF