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Dalmeny we have recently been involved in a project to deliver hot food once a week to folks in the community.
We ran a food initiative for 12 weeks delivering home cooked meals once a week to low income families referred by health visitors. We fed between 30-60 people including children a week.
We also got free food from Tesco and distributed it with the meals but it was very sporadic.
This project has now ended; however, we are looking at ways to get funding and volunteers to restart it.
If you can help, please get in touch.
We are hoping to get FareShare up and running soon which would allow us to have food for café , food to be delivered cooked and food for folk to pick up.
If you can help or have any ideas, please get in touch.
Dalmeny Kirk | |
Main Street, Dalmeny, EDINBURGH, EH30 9TT | |
0131 331 1100 | | | |
Visit the website |
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Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF