Couples Counselling



Dialogue & Space, 64 Albion Road, EDINBURGH, EH7 5QZ
0808 802 2088
North East, North West, South East, South West


Who is the service for?
Young People (16-25), Adults, Older People
What age range is it suitable for?
17 - 25, 26 - 29, 30 - 34, 35 - 39, 40 - 44, 45 - 49, 50 - 54, 55 - 59, 60 - 64, 65+


Dialogue & Space, 64 Albion Road, EDINBURGH, EH7 5QZ
0808 802 2088




Covid-19 UPDATE...

As a national counselling organisation, The Spark recognises that the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation in Scotland is causing increased anxiety and stress about health, employment and isolation, and the impact these will have on the future for family and friends.

To ensure that we can continue to support adult, children and young people in these difficult times, we have expanded our existing online and telephone counselling services.

Like many other businesses we have closed our offices and we have moved to home working to protect our colleagues and clients. However, it is business as usual – we have a dedicated team of experienced Online Counsellors who are able to provide a professional online counselling service either by phone or video through ZOOM.

To find out more or make an appointment contact us online or freephone 0808 802 0050 during our operating hours.

Service details...

Couples counselling or couples therapy is a form of relationship counselling. It is aimed at improving communication and dealing with issues within an intimate relationship.

This type of talking therapy involves a couple counsellor and both individuals in the relationship working together.

How couples counselling can help

Counselling with The Spark gives couples the opportunity to understand and explore the relationship issues they are facing.

Working with an impartial, supportive and skilled counsellor, couples can deal with communication problems, major life events and other issues causing unhappiness.

Similar to marriage counselling, couples therapy focuses on creating a safe, non-judgemental space. Individuals are able to freely express their own unique feelings and emotions.

Why couples try counselling

The motivations to seek support through couples counselling are unique to each relationship. However several issues are common including:

- Major life events like starting a family, bereavement or relationship breakdown
- Communication issues
- Mental health problems
- Financial issues
- Parenting styles
- Family conflict between parents and kids or within an extended family
- Trust or jealousy issues when an affair is suspected or has been discovered.
- Falling out of love, losing connection as a couple

Increasingly couples are using counselling on a semi-regular basis to enhance their relationship.

Couples counselling is not purely for relationships in crisis and can help deal with smaller issues before they become significant.

What to expect from couples counselling

Like any form of relationship counselling, couples counselling is not about being told what to do. Your counsellor will take an impartial and balanced perspective. They will encourage and facilitate a process where the couple is able to decide upon the right course of action to take. A couples counsellor will never judge or take sides regarding your relationship.

By supporting positive communication, counselling can help you and your partner come to your own decisions about how to progress. This might involve changing how you interact with each other, the ways you spend time together or how you deal with specific issues as a couple.

In some cases, this process might require ‘homework’ to be completed outside your counselling sessions. This will be unique to each couple but can take the form of topics to discuss, alternative ways of dealing with certain situations or completing a specific task together.

Couple counselling for all

Counselling for couples with The Spark is open to anyone over the age of 16 and living in Scotland.

No matter your gender, stage of relationship, ethnicity, sexual orientation or religion our counsellors are available to help. We believe passionately in the importance of early intervention and encourage couples to consider counselling before relationship issues escalate.

What is the cost of The Spark counselling?

There is a £10.00 registration fee which is non-refundable however this ensures you are offered the next available appointment based on your preferences such as the type of counselling and location.

The cost of the counselling with The Spark varies depending on the service and location. No client is ever refused access to The Spark’s services for financial reasons.


Please see

Make a couples counselling enquiry online at or freephone 0808 802 2088 for more information.

Other Services Run By

The Spark - Edinburgh Centre

Copyright © 2025 EVOC is a company limited by guarantee No. SC173582 and is registered Scottish charity No. SC009944.
Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF