Yoga in Daily Life Scotland



Mahaprabhu Deep Ashram, 2 Montgomery Street Lane, Leith, EDINBURGH, EH7 5JT
0131 629 9895
North East

information DESCRIPTION

Welcome the home and headquarters of YOGA IN DAILY LIFE™ in Scotland - Mahaprabhu Deep Ashram in the heart of Edinburgh.

Since 2007, we have been dedicated to sharing the benefits of yoga and meditation with the Scottish community. Offering casual drop-in classes, courses, satsangs, workshops, seminars and retreats; plus tailored classes for private individuals, as well as corporate and community groups

The peaceful atmosphere of this former stable is an ideal environment for practising yoga and meditation. The practising room is a warm and tranquil space with all equipment provided, and we have two comfortable welcoming Reception areas where you can relax, browse through books, meet other students, and enjoy a hot cup of tea.

Regular classes are held throughout the year, including Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama, and the deep relaxation of Yoga Nidra. We also hold regular Satsangs, and evening and weekend Workshops here in the Ashram; and from here we organise occasional Seminars in larger city venues, as well as Weekend Retreats in the Highlands.

Our classes incorporate deep relaxation (yoga nidra) and systematic progression of physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), self-inquiry meditation, and practical principles from traditional yoga philosophy, to foster greater health, happiness and self confidence. 

"Yoga in Daily Life " offers a comprehensive system of techniques, practices and methods for the attainment of physical, mental, social and spiritual health. Nowadays greater stress and tension is placed upon almost every area of life, methods for the attainment of inner peace and the release of tension are essential to maintain wellbeing and health of body, mind and soul.

If you are interested in private sessions or Yoga, Meditation or Relaxation sessions for your community group or for colleagues at your workplace, please enquire with our manager and we would be happy to make arrangements to suit you.


Faith/Religion/Belief Health Self Help/Support Sport/Leisure/Recreation

Copyright © 2025 EVOC is a company limited by guarantee No. SC173582 and is registered Scottish charity No. SC009944.
Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF