Edinburgh College Development Trust is an independent charity which supports Edinburgh College students by providing enhanced opportunities and experiences through partnership working and provision of funding. The Trust supports students in extra ways that Edinburgh College is unable to, to achieve the brighter futures that students want.
We offer grants and student scholarships to individual students, to groups of students via lecturing staff, and fund projects.
The Development Trust supports projects that improve the future employability of students, helps them to develop life skills, and promotes supports positive mental well-being so that students can maximise their time at Edinburgh College to improve their future life chances and achieve the future that they want.
Our vision is simple – to enhance Edinburgh College by providing new opportunities for its people. Our mission is to bring together people, organisations and resources to generate income, give advice and deliver projects that will strengthen the contributions Edinburgh College makes to the communities it serves.
In short, we simply aim to support brighter futures.
The Edinburgh College Development Trust is here to help students and the college in a number of ways. We focus on areas which are beyond the remit of the college such as improving students’ employability and life skills, and projects that promote positive mental well-being. We also help with campus improvements, focussing on those that support our other objectives.
We help by giving grants to both individual students, and to groups of students organised through teaching staff.
We offer student scholarships provided by businesses and work with external grant providers and businesses to fund projects that benefit students.
Copyright © 2025 EVOC is a company limited by guarantee No. SC173582 and is registered Scottish charity No. SC009944.
Registered Office: 525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh EH5 2FF