Founded in 1972 by Dr Margaret Blackwood, Blackwood is now a leading national Housing and Care provider specialising in homes and care services for people with disabilities.
Blackwood Homes provides a range of accessible, modern, attractive and bespoke housing aimed at providing great value to people with a range of disabilities and housing needs.
We have seven sheltered housing properties in Edinburgh all designed for wheelchair users and people with limited mobility.
Calder Place Sheltered Housing...
Calder Place is located just off the Wester Hailes Road on the west side of Edinburgh and very close to the City Bypass.
Completed in 2008, the 18 flats are arranged in two blocks, one of three storeys and the other of four.
There are three flats designed around the needs of wheelchair users and two for people with limited mobility. All five of these flats are on the ground floor with front doors giving direct access to the street.
Thirteen of the flats are designed for people with general housing needs and are accessed via one of two common stairways. There is also a lift serving the four-storey block.
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